In this episode of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio, Dr. Cameron Camp and his wife Linda Camp, a retired Montessori teacher, discuss their book, “Teaching Empathy and Conflict Resolution to People with Dementia.” they explain how the ideas that are used to support conflict resolution in a Montessori classroom can be used to support relationships and teach empathy skills to people with dementia.

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio is about “Sound Information, Not Sound Bites.” It is true talk radio with a mission to raise all voices around the world – big and small. From, a person diagnosed with a form of dementia or MCI, to family and friends, care partners, authors, researchers, support services, education, entertainment, advocacy work, to technology platforms, devices and support; all voices are welcome to have an interesting and respectful conversation with host Lori La Bey.

Visit the episode page to hear the interview at


Order the book “Teaching Empathy and Conflict Resolution to People with Dementia” online at


[1:00:22 min]